Video 62
59. Shanti Gita - Class 59 - chapter 6 - verse 1
[Music] [Music] [Music] oh lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light and illumination lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face from peace peace peace be unto us all so today we are in the shanti gita and we are starting the new chapter last chapter was chapter 5 where arjuna asked this question that oh lord please tell me how the gyan is after liberation they walk like this second chapter of the bhagavad-gita the question of the realized soul how they move and what they do and there we understood that the entire teaching was given that there is you cannot make them characterize them in a particular fashion or particular way that this is exactly the behavior of a noir of truth nor a truth at the point of knowledge they're all bondage is cut asunder as a result they don't have new karma there is no reason for their rebirth old karma is gone but they don't die at the point of death they don't die what happens to them they don't die but live like us eat like us and wander around like us but why they behave differently because their body is still functioning due to the force of the prayer of the karma that means that karma which has given birth to this body left to her karma that continues to go on continues as a result that person maybe some person may be seen very living very luxuriously they are promoganis but apparently outside they seem they are they are very you can see outwardly they are very body-oriented as it were enjoying food drink not drink money even maybe i do not know but whatever because they are not affected by that their body is going with the past momentum and so they may behave something different but the inner knowledge and wisdom is totally absorbed no some may be like a naked for kid they have nothing in possession some may be just looking at the world vacantly and wandering around with a ragged cloth so so we can see that there are their behavior is not standardized you cannot say a knower of truth what is the standard behavior of that person there is no standardized but point is that they are realized that's why they and we are different their body is functioning they know i am not the body they don't identify with the actions of the body so that we heard about that so prayer of the karma three types of karma prayer of the creoman what i am doing now and there is another thing what is called sanchita means collected so given the example remember this example you will always be clear to understand suppose they are in a hunter having a quiver in the back there are so many arrows those are called collected past and now the hunter has taken one arrow and then put it and then it's just released it so this is the prayer of the karma now continuing it starts with the birth and moves in the trajectory till its momentum is zero no this is called the program so that is called the collected this is the probe and now during this trajectory my mind i have given little rope to think this way or that way good or bad actions done good and bad changing our character we can do that and by impart perfecting ourselves at a certain point the knowledge may dawn when this no more impact of the past karma and this knowledge done so why what shall i do with this old things they are also discarded so what remains only this body continues and the actions done in this life action done in this life also ends there when knowledge happens so that's why gani's have no burden of life but the body goes on because of the past started impulse so they are free from everything that is their freedom they live in freedom eternal freedom now today we start this chapter six and here sri bhagavan means bhagavan krishna says that blessed lord says what he says sri bhagavan [Music] mahatma wonderful sanskrit now we can learn this way see so what did he said sarah saranth i will relate to you i will tell you what i shall tell you sarah essence the cream the truth tattoo is the truth the truth the essential truth the cream of all truths i will tell you now sahara pro bhaksami i will tell you but you have to listen to that taught srinu you listen that o sake friend oh my friend arjuna please listen to that you know there is a srinu means here not hearing srinu means listening do you make a distinction hearing and listening hearing means gone even it does not enter it rebounds from here or even if it enters it does not settle here anymore just go straight out to the other so that's called the hearing but when it settles down in the mind you you heard something he said oh what he said what bhagwan said here so that means your full attention you listen with full attention spiritual life is serious yeah it is not like just superficial some thing to hear [Music] it is not like mundane thing mundane thing not very deep and profound you can hear you can forget that but it's a very serious subject i am telling you i will tell you plus listen and what you may say what why it is so serious ortiguisham orti means extremely guilty means secret it is very secret why very secret because you know it is everywhere god is everywhere but you don't say he see him anywhere god is everywhere but we you don't see anywhere that's why it is very secretly it is hiding everywhere it is here hiding himself as it were everywhere that's why it is very secret and okay there may be many secret things in the world cia say what is the russian one kgb these are all secrets no they get all the informations of everyone it is not that type of secret but it is secret mahatma punna means the purifactory it is auspicious math great auspiciousness will come out of it if you hear if you understand and if you live that life that way it will bring you mahatma not ordinary type of merit punna means also merit it will not bring merit ordinary merit but great merit and what type of great merit what is great merit josh suttwa listening which mucha naraha nara means the people men women whoever listens to it and with wrapped attention and practices them this secret of the secret mutyate is becomes freed free from all bondage all suffering all going and coming up this life this life is only if any it is a it is a torture people think how much joy is in the life and how much suffering is in the life no we are all searching for joy but where is joy so much penalty were to give swami vivekananda said [Applause] you have to sweat ocean full of waiting to get one drop of joy in life do you dare do you wish to get fine joy here yeah so it appears um joy but hiding behind it is so much of suffering anything in the material world but if you can see what is behind it then you you are established in joy and joy only your joy is endless joy the big big picture we are talking the other day that is if we can see the big picture behind the small units see you look at the one small tiny wild flower and if you can see the beauty up there and whose beauty wow what a grand creation you can be marveled there and you can enjoy looking at one small tiny wild flower so that is the sukshma it is the gujjar it's a secretive and that releases us from our suffering into light into illumination into knowledge into blissfulness into joy and blessings so this is the first verse bhagavan asks his friend arjuna you are a friend but here is you are not a friend here i am the boss i am the master you have to hear a friend talks to a friend i know this you know this what you know you don't know i know no friend to friend talk like that but when you talk the spiritual talk hey srinu listen with wrapped attention because i am what i am telling it is the secret of the secret ottigozyam and it is not only that it's greatly beneficial and auspicious it will bring all auspiciousness and what auspiciousness it will free you from all types of bondage and suffering from your life so what the grand philosophy now he will speak in one sentence so dear friend arjuna listen to the extremely secret and supremely auspicious essential truth that i am going to tell you listening to that one will be liberated from all bondage what is that naturally questionable what is that we all want no we all want liberation we all want freedom we all want joy so what is that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in one word what is the secret what is that secret thing you are saying the gosham greatest of the secrets and with it will bring great auspiciousness even it will free you from all bondage what is that what is that that special thing you are going to teach me bhagavan says purnam i'll teach you that purna which is infinite fool huh purna means what pune brahman's another name is purnam punno means which is filled with everything you know everything is filled with that one substance that is called the purna it is filled with that no that means puna means there is no imperfection in it no incompleteness in it nothing lacking in that that is called the purdue dominator says he is addressing god as purna the infinite the fool and in that infinity he says that which is there it is everything is there there is nothing lacking the whole universe of stars and galaxies human and sahabi women to the gods and angels and goddesses to brahma visnu mahastra the creator god everything and beyond that is called the purna purnu means [Music] why all the physical universe the visible universe is called ah who is the interspace this earth and other planets sun and another stars just find the space in between physical thing whatever tangible you see it's only one's microscopic part but that you cannot imagine you think of the volume of the earth you think of the volume of the plato pluto neptune and others you'll be amazed to think they're nothing they're dots compared to the stars go on a physical magnitude it's so big and now you think between space spaces between each one add that plus ma is the subtle that which is beyond this cross and the space and that is the subtle and then bindu is that beyond all um the plane of sarga heaven and all the conceptual events of final levels of existence no and this is nothing a and a plus o plus m plus that which cannot be described what do you think of purdue that's why the formula comes poor no fullness is such a thing you subtract you know 5 minus 2 is equal to 3 it comes down but if you subtract fullness from fullness infinity minus infinity is equal to infinity it's a unique thing infinity plus infinity is another infinity another no no another you are you are just using some vocabulary to understand infinity then you cannot put any question so that is called pure no that's why it says if you subtract purno infinite from the infinite infinite remains the same you add infinite with the infinite it remains infinite so infinite is that and that is our very nature so i'll talk about that purnam you see you can these these are all to be contemplated if we read one line in translation quickly it is i can finish it today the sixth chapter but the question is that this book is for contemplation take one word purnam you think that your meditation is difficult why meditation is difficult just say thing what is think they all the visible universe of solid existence whatever in the solid visible tangible to the microscope to telescope add all these things together that is the a part and who whole mandu kupunishad is dedicated for this and manduka karika is a big company component on the shankara things are written there this is whole to describe only om and we say oh every day we say um what it resonates in our heart does it resonate anything even someone says you rascal then it hits me but womb it does not hit me is it not if someone see very fool what did you say i react so much and i say oh what is that is there nothing but whom is that to understand that in depth so that's need that's why it needs contemplation repeated chanting has also contemplation and deep thinking on it oh why is this much now you mentally think stars and one star and other star gap one galaxy another galaxy millions and billions of galaxies what do you think of infinity where do you stand why is your position let's say some people cannot say either i see you and nobody but you say i am everybody otherwise there is no position of you you cannot stand anywhere you are not a grain of sand even in the infinite magnitude of this gross universe so all then who is the space and all our mental levels of heavens and heavens and heavens and that which is beyond has to heaven that one or i can imagine any word and put this meaning and then meditate on that i will keep the same effect for example if i imagine the word two and then i imagine toy is this what what who is that interspace and whom is that beyond it and [Music] yeah um may give you but but it will get better as well because home because it has been chanted billion trillion trillion trillion times from the since the beginning of time and om is the sound first sound of the absolute manifesting that's that's why it's called shabdo brahma so other can be done but it will be difficult for realizing the truth because this has created potential power in it all the home chanted in such a way by the rishis even we do when we say okay sit here and now all chant together oh when you do we feel some vibration no because it has been done so many times it has its potential power but to maybe so but that maybe but that will take to create that spiritual energy into it it will take time but every sound kali panchayat barnum so all the letters all the letters are expression of brahman so anything can be done but this is the sages have done it so many times that it has its own potent when when there is no concept of gods and goddesses om was the only subject that's why oh mediated uh in the chandaga beginning they're all talking about omkar omkaru persona is a big chapter with github so those are given there so to emphasize that aspect of it so purnam sadness full with helplessness no purnam chaitanya it's all consciousness it is pulsating with consciousness everything is consciousness and consciousness and consciousness that poor no plus it is it's another quality you may say why this quality you are talking about as the sages will say you don't understand it for the understanding of the fools like us they use these words these words should not be used for brahman nothing can be used for god absolute god but then why do you use the word only because you are a fool you don't understand that's why i have to tell you something else so that you can catch it so that's why bhagavan says that is purim caitanya do we know many caitanya satan means awareness to eternal means consciousness we may misuse it my my consciousness about this material object my inner feeling about this no so differentiator no no it is not a talking about diverse of treatment one absolute consciousness filled with all over filled with one absolute consciousness the taha and that is what that is sat so that means it is there whether you know it or not it is there that's why kathopanishad gives a very grand explanation it gives how to reach that south eternal absolute pool it says he says that first start your spiritual journey thinking that god is brahmana is poor no fool is that is the hosting if you start with seeing it is is is then you will reach that the principle of this ultimate spirituality he will reach that you will attain that how that you know everyone everyone says the table is the chai chair is microphone is the floor is the computer is the channel this bright light is the wall is space is is it not it is very easy to catch each part of brahman brahman has three parts women have no parts but we are saying three parts again for we people we don't understand so the sages were kind enough to explain that brahman has three parts one is short part existence another is the cheat part consciousness another is on on the part bliss part shot cheat ananda but this is too con conception it does not come to my conception but you know you can catch the south part existence part of brahman everywhere anyone can do that a child can think that sky is the birds are there flying the trees are there plants are there rocket is moving the rotation of this thing is going on is his existence existence existence but we have varied existence you can make it one existence how wipe out the name and form you say john is mary is there wipe out john what wipe out mary word wipe out table pews floor chair microphone wipe out that line and one remains is is is is is is is so first try to say that god is there brahman is there as business osti that's why this idea is means the existence existence is there tattoo he sought his eternal existence and thereafter a nut there is other that may come later on afterwards apart from sat there is nothing so from other than south existence there is no other existence there is nothing else what it means that you don't understand brahman you don't understand that infinity should but you understand look at the with your eyes open whatever you see you see something is there even you say void void is isn't it when you say void you feel that void no when that there is something which is called void is so our spiritual journey will be first to see this easiness is brahman's easiness god is there in every that's it dualistic language says mabiraji and sarvogate mother resides in everywhere that is god resides in everywhere no brahman is everywhere there is none nowhere there cannot be any object any name any form where there is no brahman so how to reach that sachidan on the brahman they are taking one step first take this short part and this can be made practiced every day we may say a chair is we can say brahman in the form of chair swami bibikananda said no in the inspired talk inspired talks he said that you see brahman first and then you see the chair means you are seeing a shape of name and form you forget the name and form it is ease and that is brahman you are seeing in the standing on the beach pacific ocean how many millions and billions of waves are there you can see the diver's length breadth height and volume you may name them so many ways but if you forget the names it is all water water water water he is he is so that is the idea it is the purna and that purno is caitanya the consciousness and that's written is a come only one consciousness there is no 100 consciousness it may manifest in different ways because it reflects to our mind to our emotion to our ego to our intellect to the instrumentality the defect of the instrument it may manifest differently you can see standing before a concave mirror your face is so different and with the convex mirror you see your face so different but easiness you cannot avoid you are seeing some reflection that is true so there is not nothing other than kin channel then you say that this world is here because of what because of maya no vedanta says why this world why do you see this world because brahman is only there but why do you see this world the only explanation vedanta gives it is maya it is cosmic ignorance here no maya there is no maya it is only brahman there is no maya who created this maya ishara god has created this maya no no no no ishara there is no god there is no god there is no maya there is no creation noise jiva oh we are all jivas individual soul there is no jiva so we belong to america not desa no there is no america there is no england there is no india there is no china there is no russia nothing these are all name and form nadesa oh this is eight ten past eight no there is no time there that is chaitana satchida kalaha character that is moves achara that does not move like mountain rocks and mountains they don't move and chara we human beings are moving ants plants the bacterias all are moving there is no such thing there is no movement there is no no no non-movement what does it mean that's why it is so subtle that so it is so difficult to understand that's why it is secret what is your previously but it is mahapundam if you contemplate 10 minutes 20 minutes you feel yourself different you feel your view of the world is different world view will change got it if you have any question you can put this time then that will make it more profound so the translation running translation will be there is nothing other than that one full existence and consciousness there is neither maya there is neither god nor any individual soul no time space neither movable or immovable objects but that is that is that is problem see in one stroke he's giving the cream of the vedantic understanding what is reality reality is beyond name normally we say beyond name beyond form beyond time beyond space beyond congestion it is of the nature of satchida and so that concept is given in one stroke so this this thing is very subtle this thing is to be contemplated again and again to our brain will not accept we read in the yoga system our mind our intellect there are different types of intellect one is like stone like intellect stone like intellect you take a nail and hammer it on the stone instead of entering inside it will come back back with so this type of thought you try to penetrate here it comes out this way it does not enter and then there is another type it's called the rubber like rubber rubber you push and it will hold a pin if you push but you release it it falls down because its stability does not stick there there is another type that is called the oil like skin like yes skin it stays for some time and last is oil like oil like mind is good you put a drop there oil oh it spreads all over the so you catch it your brain takes it and it spreads all over your understanding so that is the best buddhist the yogavashisto talks about that four types of buddhi so our buddhi will not take this that's why they have to start first they talk about the highest idea of course it is given to arjuna he understands much more because he already had the bhagavad gita beforehand and also he had the vishuruk darshan the cosmic vision he had no but still maya covers again no see even after that experience if you live in the world of maya maya again covers but that's why his first took there is no maya there is no ishvara there is no creation there is no creator there is no you there is no me no jiva individual it is that and that alone no space no time no movable and immovable objects in the world it is that it is that's okay now third verse [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are there no no no there is no you no you say i i am krishna saying no no no no i am not now pretty you see this earth is there no no there is no earth [Music] this plane the earthly plane this plane of existence no no there is no such plane of existence there's 14 planes in hinduism put seven healths are there not one hell and seven heavens that's why hindu hell is good seven places are there we may be placed according to our bad karma whichever plane severe punishment lower punishment less punishment like that and heaven also good work little good work one one heaven a little more a good one another heaven go on seven high bur bhuvastra bhu is the plane it's a middle part bhuba saa maha jana tapa shota do so all these lower planes no money that's a hellish experience no there is no such hellish experience vedanta does not accept anything but brahman but they talk so much because we are in trouble and we feel these are all true so what they will do the example given that the child has got a great fear that somebody told there is a ghost in this house and child believes and child will never go that direction and anyone goes that direction they will be crying and weeping so because he has created a ghost idea and somebody may have in the child would have told like don't go there just to prevent him not going to that side alone they create a there is a ghost you know it has two horns it will be attacking like that some misconception has been given and just entered into the brain no now to to take out the fear of the child mother one day created a false ghost and kept it in the corner and then the child said and really he saw something goes like two horns and this eyes are big and this and that violent looking and baby child and cried out cried out the mother said oh is it so this is the ghost i will kill it today come and then put some maybe fire or something to destroy that and then the child feels oh the coast is gone we are living in the ghost idea this world is a ghost it has been given a wrong interpretation you know what the communist people do the brainwash they wash your brain this world these are all rich people kill them and these poor people they should be served whether you serve or not kill them fast and take the money in your food put in your pocket huh but not thinking that really they are poor i like to raise their condition very few cases will find sir that's that's called we used to call brainwash young bright boys and girls there they have been given this noble idea and they because of the idealism the tongue is good idea really equality should be in the society it's a great ideal communism but in practical application or selfishness so that will not do but if really genuinely one things that this world is all created out of brainwashing because you know when we are born look at our condition the day we are born what we are taught you are a girl you are a boy first this is your nose suppose had we not been told this is nose some i i learned it's called the year so i now at this age i will say this is the year [Music] these are all what is given to me i have adapted that idea so whenever we do anything and see anything this has been reinstated into our impression has been created in our mind this is called the eyes this is called this this is your uncle this is your whatever has been given in our brain we accepted that and taken as true so this world is true that conception has come into our mind and transcendental truth no no i don't see don't believe so that's why we are to revert our thinking process that's why vedanta vedanta starts with great pessimism not this this is not ultimate this is not ultimate and then ends in real pessimism swamiji said it starts with real fast it starts with a pessimism and ends in optimism real optimism what is optimism i am atman i am brahman i don't need anything i am saturated with my divine self i forgotten that that's why i'm suffering i am identifying with this body that's why i'm suffering so this is the idea bedan to teach us not this not this not this but i am that i am that i am that so this idea not you are not there no i am krishna i am the teacher you are the student are you i am the friend you are my friend no krishna no arjuna not from naham nabapri this earth does not exist not this plains of existence bhuvaraya all these planes subtle world of planes of existence of heaven and hell there is no such thing no ostiopi there is nothing at all less enough even a trace of thing is there my god we see so solid and they're saying there is no trace of reality of this object how i am heating it my hand is getting hot and it's not non-existent yes in the mental plane when i am thinking this reality and i'm this is real what happens in your dream when you hit your hand in the dream hand hits that dream table what happens don't you get the heart in the dream also it's a dream body and dream rasagulla when you eat in your dream rasagulla or ice cream you eat in the dream body it's a dream don't you feel joy there so how can you say it is not real well no it is in the mental condition it is not is the wrong interpretation you have taken it wrongly so that's why you are thinking it is real and you are having the reaction therefore easiness does not bother you it is easiness if you say that this is also this is also easiness no that is there is no reaction then easiness if you say everywhere is the easiness of then who will interact with whom there is only one substance to interact you need two or many but because it is osti and that is the brahman so why who will interact the heating is the duality my mind is there i am there the object is their subject is there so that's why vedanta says so that is that but again you are saying shiva shiva no no no i am not saying because you don't understand and that's why i have to say something that's i am saying so that will be the kinchan nasty operation there is nothing even a trace of anything in this world nasty nasty it initial making sure there's nothing nothing nothing it is almost buddhistic stay statement there's nothing nothing nothing here you have to understand no thing nothing n o t h i n g no a n o t h i n g separate you know one side and thing another side then you understand buddhism there is nothing no thing this this nothing it is a thing but what is that he didn't say he ended there void void means what is void thing is what no thing is something substance no thing so that is actually misunderstood by us buddha statement anyhow so this is the verse number three so it says running my meaning will be like this not tao not me not even the world not those planes which are the abode of created beings nothing not even a trace is there no for sure that nothing nothing exists at all there is nothing and nothing is there okay so we can end here today you have any question everyone has understood so well nothing here that's the point there is nothing nothing yes of course certainly of course everything is maya means that which is not but appears like that that is called maya the sanskrit is not yama samaya yama that which mom is known that is non-existing looks like that it is existing that is maya see look at that how much we argue this is true but this this true this existence is meaningless just if i have been put to sleep by one injection where is my this existence you people all this you all will be there i for my perception gone we are in the perceptual world and in this perception what are the things working look at that your eyes are working your sensory nerves are working your brain neurons are working this must be physical behind that your pranic energy is functioning whole body no otherwise it will not act react like that then you go mind then you go you're understanding intellect then you go your ego it is working in so many levels but these are sometimes manifested sometimes not when you go to sleep they all squeeze as you try therefore your experience of neither there is dream neither there is this world so this world is very fictitious if you say the world is there tell it should be all the time same sleep time also it will be like that deep sleep dream why you perceive different things this is because our power we stay in different levels of maya maya's level now it is full maya now it is full maya and we go one step [Music] subtle maya causal maya we call ignorance in normally we call ignorance and beyond maya has no area so if self which defeated the first verse second verse says the second verse we read that is there so in the two and three verses gives the whole synopsis of vedanta yeah so let me finish this part and then we'll go to the question um [Music] tomorrow we will have our gospel class at 7 30. okay now your question um um he's saying that yeshua doesn't exist but then i guess i'm just trying to understand those two things it sure exists now when we are here now you are there i am there so we think this created world sun moon stars so who has created natural question comes this temple is here who has created this temple who is the architect who is the engineer there should be somebody so they're looking at the whole universe so long you we are seeing and perceiving this for an intelligent man this question will come and then we'll say it is god some some creator you name it whatever way in in some religion it will call allah in some religion it will be said brahman atman ishara god forget about those some creative intelligence in cosmic intelligence must be working behind this is our assumption to understand that that's why when we are talking in the level there is god there is creation there is a system there is a plan there is time there is space and condition no these are all rational thing but is it so is it so no then you analyze yourself if i go to think about my dream state this whole world does not exist for me so where is the god question of god does not come here because i live in another religious world which is that world my mind has created that entire world i am the boss there i am the creator of my dream and not only i am the creator of dream i have created myself in that dream i shall create in all the people good or bad people who are playing in their role it is my creation no one has come here you didn't come to my dream i didn't go to your dream so this is the the mind is showing you this whole horizon no so who is the creator there you are the creator there your mind is the creator now you go when mind also collapses when you go to sleep mine are tired mind gets to sleep mind sleeps there's nothing so who is the creator there is question of creator you can think oh but i was happy there everyone feels joy is it not when you go to sleep deep sleep that's the most peaceful experience of our life no in ordinary plane where that peace comes from we make a back calculation there must be some peace which my mind though sleeping but come came very close to that joy or peace it gets a feeling of joy that's why we come back and say i was happy i slept well i had a good sleep after so many days so this is the it cannot be caught directly but back calculation we can find out that source of peace that is called brahman that is called atman and and if you call he creates this okay then you can say that he is the ishara or the god creator god here understand so this is the so long we are in the world of duality we will have to accept god but when you transcend and go to that level by meditation you go inwardly avoiding this external world go deeper into your mental world actually meditation is what meditation means you are going to your mental world you mentally thinking the divine form of christ divine form of rama or krishna ramakrishna no so your mind is creating a divine form first and that creation because it is a truth expression of truth guru has taught us and we learn and do that and chanting the mantra it becomes tangible and pure and when it becomes tangible and pure and full of light and illumination what happens then you see that experience and feel that experience it is the truth and they call go to samadhi he's in people is your deep samadhi that means he's not in the world you beat a drum near him he does not hear his mind has been withdrawn from here and mind has been pure and mind has merged into the infinite ocean of law so there nothing this world is there comes this point what the third verse we read there is no art there is no sound there is no moon there is no you there is no me but everything is here when we are in the waking state or even in your dream state you may have also may have but in the deep sleep state which you go but you can go by meditation with your mind very a lot in sleep time we go into doziness dosing mood we have no awareness but when you meditate you are fully aware and you're moving inward and inward and inward and when you go and touch that ground that of the ultimate samadhi are merging then you will transform personality that that truth remains so vibrant all these vanish so this is to be experienced when this happens and when it happens in experience then you are not there you are lost after that experience when you come back into the body consciousness then you will have a memory of that joy and that's why we all the holy people talk about joy they all do punish gita they are talking about jungle of dwaras attending which people don't expect for any other thing that is the police absolute they talk about that because remembering that experience coming down to the level here okay okay om shanti shanti peace peace peace you